2 June 2007
Debt Collectors - ya gotta love 'em. Some people pay their bills for no other reason than to avoid dealing with these misanthrops, the Ambassadors of Animosity. Scott Bilker from DebtSmart shares this story about Jenni the Bill Collector from his website - we'll share with you and then the follow-up, too Comments from Scott are in italics.
We don't know if "Jenni" is representative of Bill Collectors in general, but read the article - she sure represented herself as a human quite poorly.
Thanks Scott!
Bii Quigley and Art Blanchet
Your Home-Your Money
Jenni the Bill Collector
Jenni the Bill Collector
by Scott Bilker
I received a letter from Jenni about Chris Peruzzi's article, Bad Customer Service. Turns out that Jenni is a bill collector. I found her comments to be quite interesting in that you can get an insight into the thinking of the typical bill/debt collector. I included my remarks for added entertainment.
Jenni: "I am a bill collector. What a lot of people forget is that what we do is our job."
I don't think anyone forgets that it's her 'job.' Jenni's collection victims also have jobs.
Of course Jenni didn't come to our office and cuss. It sounds like she would, if she could, which is why the law limits their contact.
Does Jenni think the people she's calling are going to be pleasant at that time?
Well Jenni, obviously you're not making us happy, so don't be so surprised when people hang up on you!
I don't think Jenni knows why she's hired. Her job is to collect, not to 'find out why.' That's why the job title is Debt Collector not Debt Investigator.
Jenni assumes that people want her 'help' to clear things up. She doesn't want to help, she wants to collect.
More than likely, something is already on the person's credit report because the account is in collection. It cannot be avoided at this point.
If Jenni could spell 'intelligence' it would make it more difficult for people to insult her. The best advice to get Jenni to stop calling is to politely ask for her address and then send a letter demanding that her company cease calling.
Jenni: "I am a 20 year old college student working my way thru just like anyone else. At least I have the manners and maturity to handle things like an adult. Think about that one."
I thought about it, and I think Jenni doesn't understand the situations that real adults, not adults by age, have on their plate. Situations like multiple jobs, children, mortgage payments...life!
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