25-29 May 2007 Madison, Wisconsin
Gas prices are up! Memorial Day is here! Summer begins in America, heralded by the World's Largest Brat Fest!
Little did I know when I moved to Wisconsin a half-decade ago that I'd be participating the event that makes even the greediest cardiologist flinch! BRAT FEST!This memorial day weekend join us in Madison Wisconsin as we celebrate the consumption of artery-clogging foodstuffs that helped make this nation great - well, great big and fat!

When I moved to WI in spring 2002 I'd never even heard of Bratwurst. One day while at my sister's, my brother-in-law asks if I'd like a "brat" (a what?). OK. It was hot and it had that fat-taste our tongues just can't refuse. Next day, nice weather - we're grilling. Same question - brat? (I guess so). After about a week of this I began to see a pattern - this food (pronounced "braht" with the soft "ah") is a staple here! Welcome to Wisconsin.
My first Brat Fest was in May of that year - what a blast! So ever since that Day of Decadence I've been supporting Boy Scout Troop 90 (in my own brat-eating way) and grilling brats by the hundreds as I join the line-up of 40-plus commercial grills and listen to the Johnsonville diesel roaring from the semi containing the World's Largest Grill (everything is World's Largest here!).
Brat Fest was a twice per year routine until 2005 - now it's the summer kickoff. Troop 90 is one of dozens and dozens of charity orgs that share in the profits - the Metcalf family splits the profits among the hundreds of volunteers' groups and they (The Metcalfs-organizing family of madmen and madwomen) get to clean up the mess and prepare for the NEXT year of rides, games, music, food, and summer fun!
Our goal this year: Break the Record of 189,432 Brats consumed. Or really just to have fun. My goal - to get back to grilling brats - last year I was on Hot Dog Duty - boiled hundreds of those puppies (5 to a pound of the Oscar Mayer brand - local Madison company) for kids and The Timid. But I'm a purist and want back into the Manly Art of Grilling. Whatever they need...rain or shine!
Brat Fest is now at the Alliant Energy Center on Willow Island. Come on down or shop for BratGear on the web. FREE admission, FREE parking, FREE entertainment, and I'll give FREE mortgage advice if you can find me - I'll be the guy in the yellow Bratfest shirt...
Art Blanchet
Bill Quigley
Your Home - Your Brat Fest!
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