12 April 2007
With the April 17th Federal Income Tax deadline looming as a reminder, "taxes" in all forms moves to the forefront of our minds. Property tax in particular is becoming a major issue in Florida (although I think insurance should). No one is certain as how to get rising taxes under control - the massive real estate appreciation of the first five years of this century didn't help a bit -
I received this email today from a "Doris". I do not know who Doris is, but she has a message.
The web address "Doris" provided in her message (below)linked to a website entitled No More Property Tax, which states it is sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida. I Googled "nomorepropertytax" and many news articles and blogs showed up - 133 in 0.26 seconds (slow for Google). It appears this movement - which is essentially will raise sales tax to 8.5% while essentially eliminating property taxes for full-time residents and reducing it for 2nd homes.
There are skeptics on both sides of the equation. While in Florida in February, I read a newspaper article that said Florida would have to raise sales taxes to 13.8% to eliminate property taxes. I suppose the elimination for residents coupled with the reduction for non-residents resulted in the 8.5% number.
There is more to this than just swapping numbers. A few questions are posted at the end of this blog entry for consideration.
Here's is Doris's email and the link to No More Property Tax dot-com:
If you haven't already heard, the Florida State government is looking to make dramatic reforms in how Florida property taxes are paid (if at all), and this could go into effect by next year. I don't have to tell you the incredible impact that this would have on Florida's real estate market.
Here is a summary of what is being proposed (and we are expecting it to pass:)
- If you own a residence in Florida and are homesteaded (as your primary residence) you would no longer pay property tax. Zero.
- If you have a Florida residence as a second home, or if you have a commercial property, property taxes would be rolled back to 2000-2001
- Future property tax increases would be limited.
To accomplish this aggressive measure, the State of Florida would increase general sales tax by 2-2.5%.
Those of us who live in Florida are extremely excited about this initiative.
We would like to ask you to add your name to the petition in support of this initiative. Click on link below and register your support.
We are expecting it to pass, however, your voice would be welcomed.
Please forward this email to other property owners you know in Florida.
(Fields marked with * are required)
(end of email)
So, the taxation question exists for YOUR state as well as Florida:
- Would you favor an elimination of property taxes by raising sales taxes?
- What would the consequences be?
Imagine qualifying borrowers and home buyers without property taxes:
- Would the result drive up sales prices again? Would this jeopardize borrowers ?
- How do you think this would affect your state's economy?
Other insights or ideas?
Art Blanchet
Bill Quigley
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