3 April 2007
Now is the Time
The (fill in title here) ruler of Libya since 1969 is a man known as Moammar Khaddafy...or maybe Muammar Qaddafi...perhaps Mommar Gaddafi...or... ?? The truth is no one really knew because his name didn't transliterate very well into English. An article in the London Evening Standard reported 37 different spellings in 2004, which is odd because everyone had forgotten who he was a decade earlier, much less cared about how to spell his name.
Sure, we all could have referred to the Libyan leader by his honorific "Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" or even "Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution" or my personal favorite - "Mo G" - but we couldn't reach a concensus as a public. So the chaos ran rampant.
The point is, this inability to communicate even the simplest of messages - a man's name - threw the nation's communication system into turmoil and wreaked havoc on every kid trying to write a term paper on North African Geo-Political Systems and Its Effect on Old World Economics (when spelling counted) throughout the 80's and early 90's. We are approaching such a crisis again.
We as Americans need to decide - once and for all - the spelling of the dreaded word being slaughtered by the media (forgive my presumption here), "SubPrime." Every headline, every article, every blog, every AdWord, every television network, and every legal writ or class-action lawsuit utilizes a different spelling of the word that has become a political hotcake (or hot potato(e), or hot-something). As Real Estate Professionals, it is not only our job to set the public straight, but our sworn duty as almost semi-public servants.
There is no need for protracted discussion on the matter (hold the applause). As we are Children of the Great Democracy, we will embrace our constitutionally guaranteed privilege of freedom - and VOTE!
By the power vested in this blog, I have pared the choices down to the following, most probable choices:
· Subprime
· Sub-prime
· SubPrime
· Sub-Prime
· Not Ready For Prime Time Mortgage
· Non-Prime
· Loans That Are Past Their Prime
· Sub-prime, as in not quite Choice or Select
· Sublime
· Substandard
· Subway (I was hungry when I wrote this)
· UnPrime
· Pseudo-Prime
· Quasi-Prime
· Semi-Prime
· Sorta Prime (a scam-artist special)
· Serta-Prime (this blog is making both you and me sleepy)
· Neo-Prime
· Nouveau-Prime
· Optimus Prime (did I mention the Transformers movie is coming out in July?)
· ShouldaPaidYourBillsOnTime-Prime
· Almost Prime
· I-Can-t-Believe-Its-Not Prime
· Psycho-Prime (insert own pun here_____________)
· Sign-Here Prime (another good scammer, the longer name follows)
· Sign-Here-Without-Reading-Prime
· Still SubPrime (After All These Years)
· SeemsLike Prime
· Silly-Prime
· Prime-Lite
· Biggie-Prime
The choice with the most votes - write-ins accepted - will be the OFFICIAL designation of the loans-that-people-with-good-credit-and-regular-employment-don't-get. If you cannot vote here (it's best if you don't), there are blogs across this Land of the Free that will need correcting comments.
Do your duty! Vote with your hearts, your minds, and your keypads. We will be a great people once again and make the world a more homogeneous place.
Thank you.
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