Saturday, June 30, 2007

Canadian Mortgage Professional Magazine Interviews Bill Quigley and Art Blanchet of YHYM

20 June 2007 - Madison, Wisconsin

Well, they like us in Canada anyway - but we weren't their first choice. We forgive them.

A few weeks back Bill Quigley and I were interviewed by Vanessa Chris from Canadian Mortgage Professional Magazine about YHYM for an article they were writing on the use of technology in the mortgage industry. As Vanessa researched the Canadian cyber waves for her article, she soon realized there weren't any Canadian Podcasters up there, so reluctantly searched neighboring states and found us - and Your Home-Your Money - in Wisconsin. Close enough. (Good thing she chose us over anyone else - I was ready to trump the competition by playing the "race" card - my MOM was born in Canada!)

The print article, entitled, "Digital marketing: The wave of the future," came out in May. The online version is available here at as of this week.

Our section of the article deals with the use of podcasting, blogging, and broadcast radio as marketing tools. Podcasts can be listened to as live streaming audio via computer or telephone. Radio can be streamed, heard via airwaves, or now as podcasts via the host station. Both forms of podcasts are downloadable to computers and to cell-phones (we don't push this) and MP3 players for portable listening.

Blogs, websites, and eZines can promote all media. Video is emerging for us soon - you've seen some of our sorry-looking experiments. Here is how we promote and utilize our digital media locally:

  • We gain credibility by providing information to the public/marketplace via sound and digital media.
  • We market to that public via commercials, targeted surface mail, and email.
  • We invite Guests who make contributions of information to the public via sound and digital media
  • We invite Guest database and cross-promote to build credibility for both parties.
  • We market to mutual databases and offer special services or discounts to both databases. Expenses can be shared or kept separate - with an eye on RESPA guidelines.

  • We invite mutual databases and broadcast listeners to hear archivedpodcasts. These are marketed via digital means via blogs, websites, and email.

  • We continue with a Second Guest and can then share three databases - directly or indirectly.
  • And so on.

The article puts this together better in a nice interview format. We recorded the interview - with permission - which is like an uncut version of the final story - we'll share that, too. As a point of interest, CMP has shared the article with an affiliated partner in Australia (Mortgage Professional Australia) where it will get that "Down Under" twist. Add this to a couple of quotes in Blogger and Podcaster Magazine (thanks to TalkShoe) - plus a few Podcast Industry audio interviews - and we are having a wee bit of fun and getting a touch of fame. Now if there were only money...

If you follow our blogs at all, you'll see we are fans of Scott Bilker and Tom Domin. Why? We like what they do as professionals and consumer-advocates (Scott advises about consumer credit and Tom provides low-cost marketing materials to mortgage pros) and want to be associated with them. Having something to offer in the way of support and promotion allows us to control our relationships as professionals - we ARE judged by the company we keep.

Well, that's the skinny on our moment in the spotlight (or maybe just a flash-light in our case). Just thought we'd share - and possibly inspire. We will help those willing to learn what little we know - perhaps another GROUP (oh no!?!) is in order...

Thanks for reading and listening. With a little effort on our part, you'll soon be watching, too.

Thanks to Vanessa Chris and Canadian Mortgage Professional for a sweet article!

Art Blanchet

Bill Quigley

Your Home-Your Money

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, Art.
I went to your blog. Very nice work you are doing.
Whenever you want you'll be welcome to make me another visit to my space:

Felicidades, amigo.

Best regards,

Daniel Amaral